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I'll be visiting Dallas, Texas on business over Thanksgiving Nov 21 - 24 2018 I'm available to meet to discuss sculpture and photography commissions and purchases. For enquiries please email

I'll be at my studio in Ft Lauderdale Nov 19 - Dec 10 2018 I'm available to meet to discuss sculpture and photography commissions and purchases. I'm also an Art Basel Miami Beach VIP card holder and will be available to meet there for the duration of the fair 6 - 9 Dec 2018 For enquiries please email

    Frogman Art China is featuring my Photography at Booth D17. PHOTOFAIRS presents highly curated, fine art photography from leading international galleries in cutting-edge destinations around the world. Find Out More      

I'm constantly in need of volunteer models to create more national flags for my Bra Spangled Banner series. I make these flags by taking photos of my volunteers wearing as many bras as they can bring, using a modified document scanner. This generates very high resolution images showing all the details of the fabric and the flesh. Hundreds of scans are then assembled to create these iconic national flags. Grab a friend and ALL your bras and swimwear and come on down to be scanned! I particularly need many yellow and green bras (which are really hard to find!) but any colours will do. I’m also making similar works with pants so bring those too if you’re feeling brave! Anybody is welcome and if you have loads of colourful bras and swimwear, or lots of tattoos or colourful hair or anything to add to the mix then please come along. It’s fun! The underwear scanning takes place in at my Brighton studio and also at my exhibitions, wherever they may be. Please email the studio for more details and to reserve your place. 10% of sales benefit breast cancer charities anywhere I sell these works.

Ich suche Frauen vor Ort, in Berlin, welche als Volontäre, für die Erstellung der deutschen Flagge, für meine Serie "BH – Flaggen (Bra Spangled Banners)" mitarbeiten. Ich erstelle diese Flaggen, in dem ich Fotos von den Volontären mit einem modifzierten Documenten Scanner mache, die Volontäre bringen möglichst verschiedene BH mit. Die Bilder sind hochauflösend und zeigen Texitl und Haut. Hunderte von Scans werden dann zu der Ikonischen Flagge zusammen gefügt. Nehmt eine Freundin und alle BH s und Bikini - Tops die ihr greifen könnt und kommt zum scanning! Für die Deustche Flagge benötige ich möglichst viele gelbe BH welche wirklich schwer zu finden sind!!! Aber auch andere Farben sind willkommen. Ich mache auch ähnliche Arbeiten mit Pants so bringt auch Pants wenn ihr mutig seit! Alle sind willkommen und wenn ihr bunte BHs habt, Bikinis oder andere Badesachen mit Tatoos und buntem Haar oder allem anderen was die Mischung interessant, bunt macht, bitte kommt !!! Es macht Spass! Der Event wird in einem privaten/ abgeschirmten Raum der Galerie Rowland Kutschera am 28 April ab 12 Uhr Mittag stattfinden. Kontaktiert die Galerie für Details und einen Termin. 10 % der Verkaufserlöse gehen an die Krebshilfe.

I’m working with local women volunteers in Florida to create more national flags for my Bra Spangled Banner series. I make these flags by taking photos of volunteers wearing as many bras as they can bring, using a modified document scanner. This generates very high resolution images showing all the details of the fabric and the flesh. Hundreds of scans are then assembled to create these iconic national flags. Grab a friend and ALL your bras and swimwear and come on down to be scanned! I particularly need many yellow and green bras (which are really hard to find!) but any colours will do. I'm also making similar works with pants so bring those too if you're feeling brave! Anybody is welcome and if you have loads of colourful bras and swimwear, or lots of tattoos or colourful hair or anything to add to the mix then please come along. It's fun! The underwear scanning will take place in at my private residence with the help of my female assistant to reassure this is totally legit! We may also be able to visit your residence instead if appropriate. We are available in Tampa 15-19 March and at my Ft Lauderdale studio 21-31 March. Please